Dokumentation Session 4-1

13:40-15:15 --- Raum 44.21

persistent identifier & controlled vocabularies
problem: everyone experienced linksrot -   links on older websites leading to nowhere, since the target page/object has moved. for an OER repo we want to prevent that

PI help to solve that problem
technologies: handle (HDL), DOI, URN, purl ...
all those technologies base on the principle of handing out IDs/names that get resolved by a url-stable resolver service and redirect to the URL associated with the ID. e.g. resolves to the object


    * technically the same as HDL
    * adds a layer of policy (e.g. persistence of landingpage of deleted objects)
    * metadata needs to be submitted for registered DOIs (datacite schema) 
    * metadata from datacite gets harvested by others; item will be more visible, more popular; (e.g. Google Dataset Search, OpenAIRE)
    * can cost money per id (~80 cents)


controlled vocabularies:
    reasoning: using clearly defined vocabularies e.g. as keywords or for classification of objects makes interoperability between systems possible. vocabularies can be mapped from one to another across languages and domains and could also be mapped/normalised by metadata aggregators.

controlled vocabularies used in oer in innsbruck:
other possibly useful controlled vocabularies/taxonomies for classification
